A Message from Pastor Scarlett

3 Shelves + 2 Events + 3 Books + 19 Locations = July

Have you seen the new shelves in the narthex? They are beautiful, and so well made. The shelves fit beautifully into the “look” of the narthex and will serve SUMC well for years to come. So thank you, Mark Cierzan, for the great idea! Thank you, Mike Culler, for the hours and hours of work, measuring, cutting, building, matching paint, and setting them up! We are grateful. When you see these guys, please join me in saying THANK YOU!!!!

The shelves are in 3 sections, the last of which is open and has a bulletin board.  This was especially designed with the MIssion of the Month in mind. The bulletin board is for information or a display about the mission, and the wide open space at the bottom will accomodate large or small items as they are collected.  

Have you ever noticed how we only use the word JOLLY at Christmas?

Image result for Jolly christmas      Image result for Jolly christmas     Image result for Jolly christmas

This summer, we are going to bring Jolly to July by celebrating Christmas in July on July 15 with a potluck dinner, some carols, a few memories and some all together good times as we remember cooler days. And we will remember the reason for all of our seasons.


                                                          Image result for reason for the season images

Details will be coming soon.


During the holidays, churches and families love to get together.  I remember my grandparents talking about how good it was to get everyone together at one time in one place for something other than a funeral.  This summer, we will get together at one time in one place… Under One Roof. July 29 is a 5th Sunday, an opportunity to do things a little differently, an opportunity to get to know each other!

                                                           Image result for church roof and clip art

We will worship traditionally as usual at 8:30.

At 11, traditional worshipers and the Wave will gather Under One Roof.  We will sing the songs of our faith with one voice and one heart. I am told Amazing Grace and how Great Thou Art are part of the day.  Imagine how good we will sound when we sing together. Imagine the joy of praying together! Imagine the wonder of worshipping together.  

                                  Image result for psalm 133


This July, we are taking a look at some of the smallest books of the New Testament: Philemon, Titus, and Jude, all of which are less than 50 verses long. Teeny books that provoke much thought, but I have never really thought much about them.

Image result for bible

So, come think with me!  Please read the book, let’s talk about it on Tuesday evenings (lemonade provided!)  and then, it will be the text for worship on the following Sunday.

We will join together on July 3, 10, 17 for Tuesday talks. Meetings will take place at 6:00 p.m. in Room 8/10 for 1 hour based on the book for the upcoming Sunday.

                                                                      July 8  Titus

                                                                July 15   Philemon

                                                                    July 22   Jude


Finally, I have learned of a group called Shoreline Behavioral Services that provides medication drop boxes for unused/ unwanted medications.  I wish I had known of them last year when we had the hardest times disposing of my mom’s leftover medications properly. I do not know much about them, but here are some of the locations where unwanted/ unused medications can be dropped off safely:

Surfside Beach City Police Dept.

Myrtle Beach Police Dept.

CVS Pharmacy at 1303 38th Ave North, Myrtle Beach

CCU Dept of Public Safety

For more information, call Shoreline at 843-365-8884 or see www.shorelinebhs.com

Finally, whatever you do this summer, wherever you go this summer:

To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.   Jude 24-25


Pastor Scarlett