Pi is 3.14 and so on into infinity.

         Octopus blood is blue.

         In 2006 a man tried to sell New Zealand on ebay.  

         Life continues after Death

        Jesus loves me.

Certain things are true.  These are the rocks upon which we stand, the parameters that define our existence.   This past week as we read Jude, we found a man about whom we really know little writing to a situation we must surmise from the text in a place we are not sure about.   


But we know this:  Jude affirmed the basic tenets of the faith.

  • Jesus is basis of salvation (verses 1 and 25)

  • Jesus is Lord (verses 4 and 17)

  • Trinity (verses 20 – 25)

  • Apostles spoke of end times (verse 17)

  • Faithful will share in glory (verse 24)

As long as I have faith, I can live with the unknowns of this life.  I do not have to have all of the answers as long as I have Jesus. I do not have to have a detailed plan of what happens to us when we die as long as I know that Jesus is on the other side.  I don’t need a timetable or chart. I claim the blood of Christ and I know that it is sufficient to cover my sins, and yours, and every human that has ever or will ever live.

I know that salvation hinges of the grace of God made incarnate in Jesus Christ.  

More people need to know these things.  For their souls’ sakes. For the transformation of the world.


In the UMC, the evangelism committee has been charged with communicating the gospel to people and inviting them not just into membership but into discipleship.  The SUMC Evangelism committee needs new life. I am looking for 5 people to explore evangelism and how we might be more effective. One simple goal is to create a church brochure.   Please let me know if this is your calling.


Pastor Scarlett