Something to think about:
LIFE and WORRY do not even share the same letters.
Somethings to plan to attend:
Holy Week Worship services:
Maundy Thursday Service will be at 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 18 and in scripture, song and communion recall Holy Week. This service includes the “Stripping of the Altar.”
Good Friday worship will be a Stations of the Cross experience this year. There will be 2 opportunities for you to come and walk through the stations, remembering all Jesus has done for us. The times are noon to 2 PM and 5 to 7 PM.
Easter Sunrise Service will be at 6:30 AM at the pier.
ONE more thing!
Pickleball is coming in May. Demo game after the Wednesday night meal on May 1. Wear your tennis shoes or sneakers!
Finally, the most important thing:
Even in the worst of times, we know:
Christ is Risen. He is risen indeed.
That ONE thing changes everything. May God give you peace.
Pastor Scarlett