I thought you might like to see what has been happening here this past week.

The courtyard has been cleaned.  I saw Hart Rist happily pressure washing one day, and Lynn Livesay was working in the flower gardens.  We are a more beautiful church because of you!

The Children’s Garden has been cleaned and painted and is ready to be a gathering place, a learning place and a praying place.  In preparation of its use, the 456 Kids made signs, one of which says “Love Grows Here.” That says a lot about what the children and young people are learning here.


We learned about pickleball. Through the diligent work of our FLC committee, we have 2 pickleball courts, complete with nets and paddles. On Wednesday night, the Myrtle Beach Pickleball Club came down and taught us to play with demonstrations and careful explanations.  I had a great time, and hope to play again soon. The Club folks offered to come and do a real beginners class for us, and we hope to be organized so that we can offer pickleball here on a regular basis soon.  Thank you to to the FLC Committee (Mike Culler, Ray Swisher, Quay Adams, Kelli Carr, Ed Curlee) and everyone who came out in support.
Dandelions and Roots started on Thursday night with over 70 children!  I don’t have pictures, but I know it went beautifully. Thank you to our volunteers and leaders!
Finally, I wanted to share with you about a new project.  I will tell you more about it later, as it grows. But this is the beginning:  our Heart to Heart ministry has embarked on a partnership with Carolina Gardens in Garden City.  Every week Bill Matthews leads a Bible study and devotional time there, and after communion on Sunday, we extend the Holy Table and offer communion to the residents at Carolina Gardens. This is not the only facility where we offer Bible study and communion, but at Carolina Gardens we have been given the use of a small room where residents can exchange their bingo bucks for toiletries and/or gently used clothes (no socks). Rick Callaway has connected with sponsors who provide soaps and shampoos and such things, and we have received donations of new and used clothing. The room will be open 3 days a week for 2 hours at the time, and it provides an opportunity for interaction, hope and love.


On Saturday, members of the Disciple Classes from this past year had a party. We ate, laughed, prayed and talked, and encouraged one another to continue growing in faith by studying the Word.
These are just some of the awesome ways the love of Christ is being lived out in the hearts of people this week. There were Circle meetings and the Men’s Grow Group met and of course, we worshipped and gathered in Sunday school.  Truly, we have been about our Father’s business.
Recently, the Judicial Council of the UMC met and, with some exceptions, upheld the decisions of General Conference 2019.  For us at SUMC, there will be no change in how we do things or in how we love our neighbors. For more complete information, I commend to you our bishop’s statement https://www.umcsc.org/bishop-holstons-statement-on-judicial-council-rulings-on-traditional-plan-disaffiliation/ and the explanation from UMC.org http://www.umc.org/what-we-believe/ask-the-umc-what-did-the-judicial-council-decide-about-the-traditional-plan  

Pastor Scarlett