I went to the Community Lunch this week. A host of volunteers from Surfside UMC danced around the room, welcoming people, bringing drinks, a hot lunch and dessert. There was conversation and laughter, and 160 people were fed, body and soul. Thank you to all who support and encourage this ministry. It makes a difference in our community.
When we joined with other churches to start this ministry a few years ago, we really stepped out in faith. We had no budget or funds, just the assurance that God had called us to feed his sheep. With gifts and donations we continue to do God’s will.
Once each month, and on occasion fifth Wednesdays, volunteers cook, serve and interact at the Community Lunch. It is hosted at Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church.
We need your help.
We need your prayers.
We need your hands. Volunteers are always welcomed. Bill Silvers will gladly orient you to service at Community Lunch.
We need your noisy offering.
On Sunday, February 2, we will collect a “noisy” offering at each service to support this ministry. While we call it a noisy offering since it will be change collected in soup pots, quiet offerings of paper money or checks would be greatly appreciated.
Surfside UMC is committed to reaching out to God’s people in the world in ways that reveal the glory to God and love of Christ. Feeding people is one way. Jason’s House is another way. Elaine Paige spoke at the Men In Ministry meeting last night, and her stories of how this ministry touches lives and hearts were an inspiration to us all. I am deeply grateful to be a part of a church that engages with our community to share the love of Christ, especially in these unsettled times.
As we wait for General Conference this year, some of us are unsettled in our souls. Our Bishop recognizes this, and will speak to us in the Marion District on Sunday, February 16 at 4 PM at Aynor UMC in Aynor (1007 Elm St., Aynor, SC 29511). Bishop Holston will speak of “Staying Focused in Uncertain Times.” I encourage you to go, to listen and to pray.
This is in addition to the Listening Sessions which are being offered throughout our Conference during January and February These Listening Sessions are being sponsored by our Conference to help us understand the possibilities of General Conference 2020 and to share our hopes and concerns. These sessions will be facilitated by members of the South Carolina Annual Conference delegates to General Conference. Our district listening session will be at Central UMC in Florence, SC on February 9 at 3 PM. Registration is not required, but helpful so that sufficient seating is prepared. If you would like to attend, please register at www.umcsc.org
And in all seasons, in all times, may we be a church that serves God’s people.
Pastor Scarlett