Our Church Council met Wednesday, July 8 and voted to approve
returning to in-person worship on Sunday, July 19, 2020.
Please see the information below for our guidelines.
Open Doors
Surfside United Methodist Church
It is with great joy that we are sending you information on plans to return to in-person worship on Sunday, July 19, 2020. Please know that we realize how eager we are to all be together again as we lift our praise and prayers to God, and that our utmost priority is that we return with safety and ease of transition. Please take time to carefully read the following guidelines which have been established to ensure that these priorities are met. These guidelines will be shared through email, social media, Stay Afloat, and during the pastors’ Monday, Wednesday and Friday Facebook Live messages We ask that you share all information with anyone who may not have access to or regularly check any of these sources.
- All worship services will resume on Sunday, July 19, 2020. Each service will be offered in an abbreviated format, similar to the online services of the past several weeks. The WAVE service will begin at 11:30 in order to facilitate entrance and dismissal procedures safely.
- If you are included in the at-risk population, we lovingly and respectfully ask that you remain at home and continue to worship with us through the online service. The 11:00 Traditional service will be available online.
- Please be aware that if your answer to any of the following 3 questions is yes, we also request that you worship with us from home:
- In the last two weeks, have you or anyone you live with traveled to any area that has been heavily impacted by COVID-19?
- Have you or anyone you live with been diagnosed with, or suspect that you have contracted COVID-19?
- Do you currently have any travel restrictions in your area due to COVID-19?
- Doors will open 15 minutes before the services begin and we ask that you remain in your cars until that time.
- Social distancing should be practiced from the time you arrive in the parking lot until you return to your cars. Please be mindful of the recommended 6 feet of separation as you enter the building and once inside. Ushers, security, and volunteers will guide and facilitate appropriate spacing and seating arrangements. Capacity will be limited according to government or bishop directed guidelines, but every effort will be made to accommodate all needs. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility.
- Masks are mandatory throughout your time with us. There will be a limited number of masks available at the church. Non-latex gloves will also be available.
- Children and youth must remain with their families and families will be seated together.
- Significant measures have been taken to address necessary sanitation guidelines and precautions. Hand sanitizer is available for all to use as needed. All designated areas involved in conducting worship have been thoroughly sanitized using electrostatic cleaning technology that is applied as a mist.
- No food or beverages will be provided at any service
- There will be no Sunday School classes, no nursery availability, and no children’s church until further notice.
- Volunteers, ushers, security, staff, and pastors are all here to help, and have also followed and are adhering to procedures and guidelines.
Please know that we realize and have tried to consider how difficult this is and how awkward it may feel.The good news is that this will not last forever and that God is with us in every step as we all work to ensure the health and safety of everyone who enters our Open Doors.
Open Doors Task Force-Surfside UMC 2020