2 Chronicles 26 tells a story about a sixteen year old king named Uzziah. In the beginning of his reign, he did what was right in the sight of the Lord and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper. He built cities in territories that he conquered from his enemies and cultivated a sustaining agricultural system. He also created and commanded an army with strong warriors and armory. But surprisingly he wasn’t known for his wisdom or military power nor for his territories. According to verse 15b the scripture states that he was famous for being marvelously helped by God. However, in the very next verse we read, “But when he had become STRONG he grew PROUD, to his destruction.” When Uzziah grew strong he was no longer dependent on God which led him to his downfall.
A lot of times we are known or would like to be known for our achievements and accomplishments. For instance, our jobs, awards, financial/social status, etc. But how many of us are known for our relationship with God. Are we famously known as people who have been marvelously helped by God? According to 2 Chronicles 16:9a the eyes of God range throughout the entire earth, to strengthen those whose heart is true to him. Even now I believe God looks around the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are true to God. Therefore, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in life may we intentionally seek God daily and may our time with God strengthen us just as God strengthen Uzziah so that others may know us not by our accomplishments but by our relationship with God.
Pastor Tae
27 My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand.
John 10:27-28
Check Out Our Entire Church Calendar of Events!
Click here to see what is going on at
Surfside UMC this week
and in the weeks to come.
Stewardship Report/Attendance Report 2022
And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
Week of May 1, 2022 Mortgage Retirement Fund
Received $16,981.00 $3,196.00
Attendance May 1, 2022
8:30 Traditional Worship 104
11:00 Traditional Worship 113
11:00 The Wave Contemporary Worship 92
Watch Last Sunday’s Worship
Services Today
If you were unable to attend last Sunday’s Worship Services in person or online, you can still watch and enjoy the traditional worship service or The Wave contemporary worship service by clicking on the tabs below.
Click here for the Traditional Worship Service.
Click here for the Wave Contemporary Worship Service.
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secure, fast and available HERE!
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Mid Week Connection
on Facebook Live
Wednesdays at 10:00 AM
Upcoming Meetings
Safe Sanctuary Training
Thursday, May 12
10:00 AM Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, May 17
6:30 PM Fellowship Hall
United Methodist Men
Thursday, May 19
6:45 PM Fellowship Hall
Upper Rooms for May-June are available in the Narthex bookcase and FLC bookcase. Upper Rooms are an important ministry that allows us to grow as Disciples. We rely on designated giving (donations) to purchase these materials. To contribute, mark your check payable to SUMC and designate Upper Room. Thank you for your generosity.
Today our church will receive the Annual Epworth Mother’s Day Offering to provide loving care, safety, and services for the children at Epworth Children’s Home. Please find information about Epworth and the Mother’s Day Offering on the bulletin insert. Epworth does not receive apportionments from the United Methodist Conference. This offering is our opportunity to support this vital ministry. Give generously by using the envelope provided for you in the bulletin. For more information about Epworth Children’s Home, visit them online at https://ift.tt/IuyqD2A where you can also choose to make a secure credit card donation or enroll for monthly contributions.
The FLC Gym
will be closed
May 9-12
from 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
for St. James High School testing.
Joyful Quest Circle
Joyful Quest Circle will meet on Tuesday, May 10 at 11:00 a.m. Pastor Mary will be sharing her Israel trip with us-her experiences as the group saw the part of the world where Jesus lived, preached and died for us. Guests are welcome and Circle members are encouraged to attend and hear our Pastor’s reflections on her trip. We meet in Room 8-10 and hope to see you there!
Mary Baker Circle
Mary Baker Circle- Our May meeting for Mary Baker Circle will be held at Damon’s restaurant on Wednesday, May 11th at 12:00 p.m. This will be our last meeting until September. Mark your calendar for this fun fellowship.
Jason’s House Reminder
In order to volunteer to work with children at Jason’s House, you must be certified by completing a Safe Sanctuary training class. This class promotes and protects the safety and well-being of all persons, especially the children. The class lasts about an hour:
Thursday, May 12 at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Thank you and God bless you for volunteering,
Linda and Mary Jane
Friendly Seniors
Friendly Seniors will meet Tuesday, May 17 at 12:00 noon for our annual spring lunch at Damon’s Restaurant. This will be our last lunch before the summer break. Bring a friend and enjoy a time of fellowship by the beach!