On January 30, 1966, SUMC was chartered with 65 persons presenting themselves for membership. Ground-breaking ceremonies for the first church building were held on April 30, 1966. Consecration services were conducted by Bishop Paul Hardin, Jr. on May 20, 1966. We began as a small church serving mainly those within the Surfside Beach community. We now represent over 1000 members from various backgrounds and traditions, and a parish that extends over 300 square miles.
On April 3, 1966, ground was broken to construct a fellowship hall/sanctuary. With extra gifts from members of our church family, our church school facilities were enlarged and a new building added.
On March 3, 1983, ground was again broken for our present sanctuary. The architectural style of our sanctuary was inspired by the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark. Like that Ark we seek to be a shelter for all who desire to enter, a place of peace for those who are troubled, and a vessel that securely sustains us in our spiritual journey of following Christ.
In February of 1995, we added a second Sunday morning worship service to accommodate both members and visitors. Currently, our Sunday worship attendance average is over 500 persons. Many of our long-term visitors are becoming involved in various facets of our church life.
In 2006, we completed a Family Life Center with full-service kitchen allowing us to greatly expand our ministry offerings. The FLC is home to our contemporary worship service “The Wave,” Preschool Ministry, Children and Youth Ministries, Recreational Ministries, Special Events, and our Wednesday night ministry we call Spirit Night. Our future looks bright.
Pastors and Associate Pastors of SUMC
Needham Williamson (1966-67)
Carlos Gardner (1967-68)
Donald Britt (1968-70)
George Baker (1970-72)
Farrell Cox (1972-78)
C.W. McNair (1978-79)
Tom Liles (1979-82)
A. Lloyd Hatton (1982-87)
Henry Flowers (1985-87)
Quay W. Adams (1987-93)
Scott Cloninger (1990-91)
James Hood (1993-94)
Charles Inabinet (1994-2008)
Tom Rogers (1997-2003)
Dannye Bragdon (2000-2002)
Joel McMakin (2002-2007)
L. Kim Eanes (2007-2015)
Scott H. Wachter (2008-2015)
L. Kim Eanes (2007-2015)
Todd Davis IV (2015-2016)
Laura Whitt (2015-2016)
Scarlett Hester (2016-2020)
Laura Whitt (2015-2021)
Mary Teasley (2021-Present)
Laura Whitt (2015-2021)
Tae Park (2021-Present)