Policies and Guidelines

Church Council
SUMC Church Council meets every other month and meetings are open to anyone. There are many Committees and Councils that work within the Church Council and they give reports to the Council Secretary prior to the general meeting. The Agenda and the Minutes of the Church Council will be available the weekend prior to the general meeting.

Please remember you need to be on the Agenda with a specified time frame to bring up business during the general meeting. It is suggested that cares and concerns be addressed through the numerous chairmen of councils and committees in order to include matters in their reports.

Worship Service Guidelines
Building Use for Church Activities
Facility Request Form


Disaster Response Guide

Event Financial Report

Facilities Usage Policy Manual

Financial Policies and Procedures

Safe Sanctuary
Our church council approved a new Safe Sanctuary policy in March 2017. The goal of our Safe Sanctuary policy, training, and practice is to create a culture of caring and an environment where we look out for one another. This policy requires volunteers to read the policy, go through training, complete the Volunteer Application and Reference Form, and have a criminal background check. This policy is applicable to all volunteers working with children, youth, and vulnerable adults. If you were trained to the old policy, you need to be retrained and complete a new application.

Safe Sanctuary Materials
Safe Sanctuary Policy
Volunteer Application

Any questions regarding any of the Safe Sanctuary Training materials or process can be directed to Pastor Laura at 843-238-2734.

Wedding Guidelines