Small Group Bible Study


Surfside United Methodist Church has a number of small groups dedicated to bible study for various ages and interests.

Adult Sunday School (9:45 A.M.)


Location:  Room 110

Leader:  Elaine Paige

Demographic:  Older adults

Setting:  Traditional Bible Study

The Wesley International Sunday School Class is a class devoted to in depth, verse by verse study of the Scriptures.  The members, men and women, bring plenty of experienced study to share as they work through the Bible. They are currently studying the book of James.  Just bring your Bible and a desire to share in a rich discussion.


Location:  Room 8/10

Leaders: Gini Abee and Mark Mitchell

Demographic:  Wide range of adult ages, diverse backgrounds and interests

Setting:  Video-based studies, periodic social events

The Fellowship Class seeks to provide a welcoming environment for fellowship while studying the lessons of life and the application of Christian principles to our daily lives.  In recent months and years, our studies have focused on video series developed by Adam Hamilton, Andy Stanley, the Robertson Family (i.e., Duck Dynasty), and others.


Location:  Room 5

Leader: Cindy Brown

Demographic: Mixed aged adults

Setting: Traditional Bible Study, Periodic lunch and movies

The Discipleship Sunday School class has 8 current members who gather each week to dig deeply into the Scripture.  They choose a book of the Bible and follow along with videos. They are currently finishing Galatians.  They will begin Ephesians next and continue working their way through Paul’s letters.  This class also likes to periodical stay for lunch and watch a movie together.


Location: Parlor

Leader: Jess Malona

Demographic: Mixed aged adults

Setting:  Connecting Bible and current topics

Curriculum:  Faithlink

Coffee Hour

Location:  Family Life Center

Leader: Leigh Gamble

Demographic: Mixed aged adults

Devotional time in a casual setting with coffee and breakfast

Currently Studying:  The Gospel of John

Disciple Fast Track Bible Studies

These 24-week studies begin in the fall with 12 weeks focused on the Old Testament and conclude with 12 weeks focused on New Testament material.

These classes include daily reading assignments, reflection on how to live as disciples, and weekly classes that include a video. 

Disciple I – Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study (Overview of the Bible)

Disciple II – Into the Word, Into the World (Genesis, Exodus and Luke, Acts)

Disciple III – Remember Who You Are (Old Testament Prophets and Paul’s Letters)

Weekday Small Groups

Sisters in Faith

Location: Pastor Laura’s Office

Leader:  Pastor Laura

Tuesday Evenings 7 – 9 P.M.

Demographic:  Adult Women

Setting:  Book discussions

Currently Reading: Everything Happens for a Reason: and Other Lies I’ve Loved by Kate Bowler

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Location: Fellowship Hall

Leader:  Pastor Laura

Wednesday Mornings 10:30 – 11:45 A.M.

Demographic:  Retired Adults

Setting:  Traditional Bible Study

Currently Studying:  The Gospel of John

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Location: Room 8/10

Leader:  Pastor Laura

Wednesday Evenings, Following Dinner (~6:15 – 7 P.M.)

Demographic:  Adults

Currently Studying:  What’s Your Story (Looking at Joseph’s Story) by Sarah Heath

Men's Grow Group

Location: Fellowship Hall

Leader:  (rotates weekly)

Thursday Mornings 8 A.M.

Demographic:  Adult Men

Currently Studying:  


Traditional Worship:

Sunday @ 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Church Address:

800 13th Ave. North
Surfside Beach, SC 29575


The Wave:

Sunday @ 11 a.m.